Here are the results:
The maiden ewe, Acacia, had two lambs: ram lamb Feleex (pictured with mom)
and ewe lamb, Oleevea, shown here at 6 mo. |
Feleex at 2 mo.
Ceeeola also had twins this year...
...and her ewe lamb, Dellae Mae, at 6mo.
Yahzeee had a HUGE, strapping, ram lamb this year: Herculeez
(he had to be hand delivered........a day that will live in infamy for all three of us!!! )
Don't be fooled by the pic....he looks small here, but his mother will beg to differ with you. |
Here he is again, alongside his mom, at two months of age, and he doesn't lack much being the same size as she.
Gentle Giant...
A Sheep's Short Tail - Act II
written and performed by We3ewes Farm, 2014
"Um, don't be pickin on my brother Herculeez, I might have to put the hurt on you!!! "
What !
There's gonna be a fight ??
Where ???
The Tail's End