Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lambing 2014: oops, things got crazy...so this post is over due by 1 year!!!

In 2014 the following Navajo-Churro ewes were bred to my BFL ram, Theodore.

Here are the results:

The maiden ewe, Acacia, had two lambs: ram lamb Feleex (pictured with mom)

and ewe lamb, Oleevea, shown here at 6 mo.

Feleex at 2 mo.


Ceeeola also had twins this year...

Here is her ram lamb, Birteee, at 6mo.

...and her ewe lamb, Dellae Mae, at 6mo.


Yahzeee had a HUGE, strapping, ram lamb this year: Herculeez
  (he had to be hand delivered........a day that will live in infamy for all three of us!!! ) 
Don't be fooled by the pic....he looks small here,
but his mother will beg to differ with you.

                                                                           Here he is again, alongside his mom, at two months of age, and he doesn't lack much being the same size as she.

Gentle Giant...



A Sheep's Short Tail - Act II
written and performed by We3ewes Farm, 2014

"Um, don't be pickin on my brother Herculeez, I might have to put the hurt on you!!! "

    What !  
There's gonna be a fight ??  

                   Where ???

No, no...it's just "Helicopter Mom"...making sure everyone is accounted for !!!

The Tail's End 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Update on all things s h e e p y !!

This past fall, We 3 Ewes Farm, bought three purebred Navajo-Churro ewes and a purebred Navajo-Churro ram to add to the flock.

The ewes came from Oregon:
baw Jara

baw Gabbi

baw Miramar

The ram is a "Texas man"!!!
Anselm at 4 months 
of age....horns not yet showing.
"Oooh la locks!!!"

and...candid pics of the flock family....

Greene, with brother Benette in back:
50% BFL - 50% N-Churro 

Birteee (sheared)50% BFL - 50% N-Churro

Clockwise: Herculeez, Birteee , Dellae Mae (in front): 
50% BFL - 50% N-Churro


Come and get it....!!!!

Did she call a meeting or chow time?

Lambing: 2015

This year we bred two ewes to a purebred Navajo-Churro ram. His name is Anselm. This photo was taken before his horns budded out.

Acacia: gave birth to ewe triplets! 
On Easter...
..... Hannah
..... Thysia
..... Agapita


Jara: delivered a fine 
        ram lamb, born on Eastern Orthodox weekend - specifically -

..... Pasqual
A Sheep's Short Tail - Act III
written and performed by We3ewes Farm, 2015

"What is all the hype about green food?"

"I mean, look, it's done absolutely nothing for Dad's wool!! "

" I miss Momma's 
makes a meal like her ! " 

"Oh,hush up your bellyaching!!!  
Let's play, 'Kitty Round Up', and see how many times 
we can apprehend her today !!! "

                                          The Tail's  End