Thursday, November 28, 2024

Hoping to finally update

It's been many years since I created this blog and updated it... As many know, life can get in the way! 

I hope to change this as time will allow.

The flock has changed... Currently no rams for breeding. Not sure if that will change, but for now life is simpler without  breeding.

It is also becoming increasingly difficult to find loyal, competent sheep shearers. As the years have gone by, we have been through four and seen three of them retire due to physical constraints from the business. It's a very physically demanding profession, on the body, not to mention injuries which can occur as well.

We currently do not have a shearer. The flock is due to be sheared this month, but I've not been able to find someone I trust to do it or it's too cost prohibitive to have them travel so far just to do a small flock...the flock is currently at nine. We lost several a year ago due to predation and have since installed motion lights as well as dusk to dawn lights around the barn. 

I will try to post some pictures soon.

Happy holidays to all!